All STL and 3MF files are gone from computer, Studio Update

HELP!!! I updated the Bambu Studio this morning to the latest version and it deleted all my .STL and .3MF files from my entire computer!!! I am using Windows 10 and I did a search of the entire PC for those 2 types of files and they are all missing along with the subfolders. The only files of that type are ones that have been deleted before and now are in the recycle bin.
I took screen shots to show the files are missing from folders.
Thanks Frank

Try searching C drive and type *.3mf

That’s the only idea I have unless you do backups of your computer.

Check your Anti Virus Vault.

The correct search parameter for file extensions looks like this:
Also, the default download would normally be in 3D Objects library not necessarily downloads. Try navigating to C:\ and conduct the search from the top level directory to ensure that all folders are searched.

I redid many searches in the top level directories for ext:.3mf and .stl files along with the the all of 10 folders are also missing. I also had a experienced computer technician log into my computer for 30 mins and he could not find any of the files , just empty links. I will have him log in again tomorrow for more investigation. 90% of the files I did not need, but there was some custom parts designed that I will take a lot of time to remake. Even if the computer expert can find them and restore them, which should be possible I guess, as some form of them have to be there. I think… Its still very concerning that this can even happen.

To know, where the temporary projects-links on the link-Page points, just hover the mouse over the tile:

to go there the project is stored, click the contexts-button of the mouse (normaly right one) and chose the lower option.

I have to remind you, that the LINK-Page is only a temporary link-section to make is easier to reopen recent projects…
BS only shows a specific number of them:
I hope you copy the downloaded Project-files away to a selfdefined lokation on your HDD.

I believe you that your files are actually missing (the search you ran should’ve found them otherwise) and I’m sorry to hear that – but I really can’t see how Bambu Studio should have done that: It doesn’t scan your entire disk and doesn’t even allow you to delete a 3MF. I checked out the source code and the only file deletions it ever does are settings, lock files or temporary files.

It’s much more likely that some other program did this (e.g. Antivirus with a bad signature update, some “Free up disk space” tool or you’ve been hit by actual malware). Were all the missing files in your Downloads folder before? Maybe your browser “cleaned up” or you have a bad browser extension installed.

The Download -Folder IS cleaned by Programms. So secure them If you want to keep them.

None of the missing files were in my download folder. They were in a main folder on my D drive labeled “3D prints” All .stl and .3mf files and subfolders are gone except for one. As shown in the screen shot. The laptop was just rebooted prior to doing the update with no other programs running. All windows were closed before running the update. Right after installing the update, I checked to see if the update worked and that’s when I noticed all my files and folders were gone. I did a full computer virus scan, nothing… Then did a boot scan on the computer for virus and malware, nothing…


Coincidence does not equal causality.

The BBL Studio is a standard windows installer package. It doesn’t touch any directories except the ones the program installation is going in to.

Your files are missing, but the Studio install isn’t the reason. It can’t be. If this was happening as part of the Studio install, lots of other users would be reporting the same thing.

I have 100s of STLs on my PC and the installer for the last update didn’t touch any of them.

Perhaps you mistakenly deleted the files while deleting something you intended to delete, and didn’t notice until after the update?


My issue that after this update, Bambu Lab opens with no windows, I cannot do anything. - using MacOS Sonoma 14.2.1. Any ideas or suggestions? Tried reinstalling another download, and the older version but both are not working. Appreciate any support in advance.

I have the same issue, currently can’t connect via studio, no profiles available. Started a ticket with BBL, no answer yet. I can print via the SD card.