When a user creates a profile for a model created by a different designer (not themselves), they are permitted the ability to choose Present the Points to the original creator.
This option is not available after the profile has been created.
It should be.
If the reason this option isn’t made available is the perceived complexity of assigning points before and after the change, that is easily remedied.
When the option is chosen to assign all future points to the original model creator, MW can duplicate the profile, with the new profile guiding future points to the designer and the original profile being marked internally as no-longer valid.
This is an excellent suggestion, especially if the person that created the print profile didn’t understand how the point system works or forgot to click the check mark to award the points to the designer originally.
I don’t upload many profiles for other works, but is the “Present the Points” pre-selected? In my opinion, this should be the default to have the user purposefully unselect it if they feel that they made significant contributions.
Now that is an idea worth the upvote. I’d be more than happy if that was default, if you really feel the need to “earn” points you can deselect it. End of the day the beta reward system has been nice but it really inspires greed and conflict, not to mention, but will, the amount of scams.
I just had my first person upload a profile with literally no changes to the profile and just used one of my photos as the uploaded image. I reported it, but come on people. lol
Be aware that the reports team appear to have taken an unscheduled break and now rarely respond to any print profiles that break their own rules.
Creating a ticket gets you nowhere. They state “it doesn’t break the rules”, you show them their own rules and they say “what do you want us to do about it”, you respond you want them to enforce the rules.
They come back and say it doesn’t state the rules.
They are now in full moron mode. I have talked to a few people in private messages about this. They are all experiencing the same failure to act mentality from MW.
It was one of the few areas they actually excelled, now they have brought that down to the same level as the rest of their customer (lack of) service.
I need to walk away from this place often as it bothers me seeing it deteriorate daily. There doesn’t seem to be profitable to be honest and stay the path I guess, MW started off well… Anyhow. I’d love to see points and rewards funnelled to genuine unique models that were designed with passion, I’d gladly say goodbye to the rare giftcard these days for that.
Personally I think that the designer should be able to remove unwanted print profiles from third party interlopers. On one of my most popular models, someone put up a profile claiming to be an optimized profile. It does little more than select the interloper’s preferred settings and adds nothing to the quality or printability of the model. Because of his claimed optimization, about a third of the prints are of his profile, of which I feel he is stealing points from me.
I think if a profile is added to a design by anyone other than that designer the designer should get the points because it’s there model, the designer should also be able to remove any profiles attached to there model they don’t want. If my shoddy designs get filled with other peoples profiles I’d probably take the model down tbh, my two cents anyway.
The designer has lost the points gained by the 3rd-party profile, they would have had 80 points total had the 3rd-party profile not have been there.
It is important to distinguish between value-add profiles and points-harvesting profiles.
A profile that provides something the designer was unable or unwilling.
For example; support one or more printers the designer didn’t, the A1 mini was a perfect example, prior to the recent change that finally adds them automatically. A fully painted version of a model the designer chose to only provide in a single colour.
Any profile that breaks the rules.
One that only changes the colours of the filaments used in an existing profile provided by the designer.
Any profile that claims to be faster when all they did was reduced the infill, wall count or the scale. I had a few that did that on my fidget spinners. With precise tolerances and weights required, making it 88% with 8% infill stopped it functioning!!
I have one of those individuals, he has taken 134*2 points from me as of now.
He changed the number of items from 12 to 3. Nothing else was added.
MW says it’s OK.
I’m compelled to add to the description, a warning to users of these point stealing profiles. I have one makes it sound like it is some greatly improved profile, when in reality it adds 11 hours to the print, uses more material, and clearly the person that posted has never even printed it, as the picture is a photoshop of one from the comments (and this person is spamming other trending models with same thing). Frustrating, it’s actually not about the download points, but rather the integrity of my posting. I have great pride in what I posted, then some yahoo puts something up that likely is a worse experience for users.
Totally agree! I’ve shared profiles for models where the plate was packed and still wouldn’t work for A1 Mini, or the item needed to be resized a bit. I don’t see that as taking away from the designer - they wouldn’t have had as many prints because there are lots of A1 Mini users not inclined to fiddle with Bambu Studio.
As for the people who just upload an STL, no print profile, no idea what printer they printed it on…
LOL, my most useful profile fixed a major print issue that I only discovered after using the designer’s profile and finding they left the model upside down and used supports. Maybe it really wasn’t their STL in the first place, I dunno, it seemed odd they’d print it that way. But once I corrected that with a much cleaner printing right side up profile, no supports, they very soon after took down their design and re-uploaded with a correct profile. Fine, their prerogative, but annoying, because I spent my time and filament getting it right, and may make me hesitate to provide a “Value-Add” print profile next time. Which is not what Bambu Labs wants, I’m sure.
Also, remember - the designers still get the boosts. And a good profile will help get more boosts.