Not sure what’s going on but since the last firmware update both my AMS are consistently failing to read which filament is in which slot. And I’m using official bambu stuff with the RF stickers. It classes my PVA as ABS, the colours in my ‘B’ AMS are all mixed up, it constantly gets the type of filament wrong in my ‘A’ AMS, the white PLA for example it will says it’s generic when it’s genuine Bambu stuff. Whole thing is a nightmare that even a full sync doesn’t sort out.
Its probably not what you want to here. But maybe resetting each slot will make the AMS read the rolls correctly.
I had to do that to the slot that i wanted to use with abs-support.
After the slot reset it worked perfectly.
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In the end I had to take all spools out, power cycle the machine, and load each one back in again. Annoying as I have the AMS stacked so the bottom one is tough to access haha