“AMS assist motor is overloaded.
Please check if the spool or filament
is stuck. After troubleshooting, click
the retry button. [0700 8010]”
I thoroughly went through each step found here, twice!
Re-checked som stuff with a magnifying glass and the phones lit magnifer thingy, nothing visible or felt at a touch.
I tried gently rotating filament rolls placed in each spot of the AMS (1 to 4) and feel if I could feel any hitch ups or tougher spots. Discovered 1, 2 and 4 made ratcheting sounds and sometimes locked up when some cogs engaged. Number 3 just went buttery smooth whatever roll I tried with. What?!?
1,2 and 4 had tough stops sometimes halted when cogs engaging. (I literally only used spot 1, and I have like 5 or mebbe 6 rolls PetG through it)
I welded in galvanized metal and have the galve-migrain-shivers and my brain is like totally flatlining (prolly will for a week or two) so I turn to you my friends, youre always a great help and amazingly pedagogic for us newbies.
Your feedback is direly needed mates!
I get this on badly rolled reels where there is sometimes a cross over of filament or cardboard spools as well which im moving away from and using bambu spools for standard colours
I received my brand new machine today and it did this on the second spot with a full roll of bambu metal pla. Theres nothing to clean, no jams, broken filament was fresh out of the vacuum sealed bag. It did it three times, when i changed the roll to basic pla it was fine again? Hope this isnt a bad sign, straight outta the box. Other than that its a bloody ripper of a machine, so impressed with the benchy!
if possible try to avoid inferior filament brands, when I started I use to buy “value” filament from the 3d store in my area it was a very low cost and most of the time sold out it was great for simple prints but once you get in the mm printing these filaments have a tendency to fracture in multiple areas when the ams is doing its self filament checks after power up and will break at the hub behind the printer of inside near the advancing gears area in ams, which will have to be removed manually. some nice brands of filament are esun, hello 3d haven’t had issues with breakage with them.
I know for me the only filament i have so far is Bambu labs stuff. Literally both arrived about 5 or 6 hours ago. Ive got the following bambu stuff so far. some bambu pahcf, bambu budget pla, bambu suport, and bambu metalic pla. printed a poop chute and didnt have any further dramas? Maybe mine was just new and needed moving around? i do notice that if the lid is open sometimes the rolls ride up, which is weird on mine.
It’s pretty easy to handle filament broken in the tube . Annoying, but not hard. I’m not sure that’s what the OP is experiencing.
The crossover issue is one thing, and sometimes the filament sticks in very tightly wound reels. Turns out slightly messy winding can be better. It’s counterintuitive.
Frequent filament breaks are from too much moisture. I’ve gotten in the almost unconscious habit of bending my filament about a half inch back from the end as I take it out of storage to check if it’s brittle. PLA in particular.
But the rule is if it’s acting brittle, dry it. Poor print surfaces? Dry it. Popping sound when printing? REALLY dry it.
Of course, always store it airtight with fresh desiccant, as soon as your print finishes unless you have AMS. For AMS users - try to open the AMS as little as possible. The desiccant takes hours to dry the air.
Have suddenly started getting this error on 4th spool. Initially I thought it was a new filament reel, but after moving the reel to slot 3 that reel printed perfectly. After reinstalling a reel I had previously used without issue into 4th spool I immediately get the same warning. 0700 8010 222631
Sometimes the printer will cease, back out the filament, reload on its own, and continue to print, other times it will prompt the error - however clicking retry allows it to print for another 60 seconds or more. I can see no damage to ptfe tubes or blockages and the filament has not broken.
Aight this effin Warning! has diligently ghosted me until now!
Screwing apart the AMS yet again I stuck filament inside and tried flopping it through the ptfe tubing… oh my gosh the stupidity of me!
The entire PTFE tubing from AMS spot 1 is cracked/worn down, the filament seemingly runs thro smooth as butter, HOWEVER if I grab the ends sticking out on each end… the tube splits/cracks open and the entire filament thread pops out and rubs against plastic inside roughly!
This did NOT show when I took it apart and stuck filament in, the ptfe tubing is flexible nouf to hold the filament inside and invisibleize the problem.
Thus I have put it back together until now without catching this split open ptfe tubing
Well now that I pulled on both ends with the AMS hanging through the filament (or vice verse, sucky english sry) I finally saw how it could pop out and grind stuck…
Now I gonna order a roll of this white PTFE tubing and replace it all the way from AMS spot 1 to the nozzle
Mebbe this can help another noob like me so I just confess my newbieness shamelessly to you mates!
Thats it, have not had this warning for a couple of days now so pepper pepper knock on wood, mightve solved it for now!
May the force be with you mates,
/Silverbullit a.k.a Supernoob
After dismantling the AMS I noticed the end of the PTFE connecting spool 4 to the splitter was unevenly cut. I trimmed the end square and reinserted. The problem seems to have gone for now. Not sure if the ptfe was seating correctly and just snagging to add enough drag to trigger an overload :s
Just had this error, here are the steps I took, not sure if they are correct as there wasn’t much info on this…
moved the spool manually, seemed to be okay.
pulled the filament completely out of the AMS feeder.
Put the filament back in the AMS feeder
AMS tried to pull the normal amount when you first load filament and I noticed the filament role was crossed, meaning you had to untangle the filament before AMS could continue.
I unwound the roll until I could uncross the filament
reloaded the filament and the print resumed.
This is a case of everything working correctly except for the filament. I have a bunch of their filament and I don’t recall having this issue prior but I did most of my printing on a prusa mk3s.
Filament : Sunlu PLA black - under 20 bucks on amazon