This has been brought up before.
I have loaded two black support spools and two PLA White spools.
Black Support, one of the spools is low and will run out.
PLA White, one of the spools is low and will run out.
When I set up the print I choose the spools that are lowest because I want to use up the material before going to a full spool.
When it prints it chooses the spools that are fullest first, no matter what I setup in the print.
I have trick it into using the right spools during the print by quickly changing the slots …
The solution is you have to pick the slot you want to run first when you send the job to the printer. (click the link below or the expand arrow on the top right for pictures of the process.)
When you send the print from Studio you can pick what slot is being used. Here mine defaulted to A4 (The full spool) but you can pick A2 to start the print from.
[AMS Slot]
You can also verify what slot is set for backup by clicking on the “Auto Refill”
[Auto Fill]