AMS discharges filament at each print end

Hi, every time I finish a print my AMS runs out of filament EVERY time, so I have to recharge the filament even if I have to make another print with the same filament, with further waste of filament, I add that I don’t use original filament:
Question: Even if I repeat myself, is it normal for the AMS filament to unload the thread at the end of each print? Thank you all for the advice and many thanks to those who answer me.

I think I understand. Yes, the AMS unloads filament at the end of a print unless it’s cancelled. For some reason it doesn’t if you cancel the print.

I believe this is done so you can make changes to the filament loaded in the AMS. It will not allow you to change filament settings in Handy or Studio while a fliament is loaded.

Normal operating procedure.

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Grazie, ma speravo in un altra risposta, caricare il filamento che userò nuovamente mi sembra ridicolo, spreco di filamento e usura inutile dell’ AMS. Grazie

Here’s a Q’n’D workaround:

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Grazie, messaggio per BAMBU: Implementare una opzione anche nel software che disabiliti lo scaricamento automatico sarebbe non solo gradita ma anche un grande messaggio di BAMBIU al risparmio filamenti e all’usura dell’AMS a favore di chi come noi gli sta dando fiducia. Un Grazie a tutta la comunità