AMS Don't Save Preset

Hello everyone, I downloaded the filament presets from the filament manufacturer Extrudr and added them to Bambu Studio.

If I edit an AMS slot in Bambu Studio and select the preset there, it is applied for about 10 seconds and then deleted by itself.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

“deleted by itselff” - so what happens, whats left behind in
a) Studio- Device (eg is it empty\none, your previous filament etc etc, is their a Bambo RFID spool in that slot?)
b) On the actual printer console, what does it read\say the AMS has in it?
c) if you manually change it on the printer console, in the AMS section - does it KEEP it on
c-i) the printer console screen?
c-ii)Bambu studio deice-ams selection ?

Extra info be good to help.

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Screenshot 2024-04-29 234630

after 10 Seconds.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 234656

This happens Only to the Extrudr Profile Presets. All other Profiles will be Saved.
Directly on the Printer i cant choose the Extrudr Profile.

I am in an 24hr print, so I ccant test extruder presets myself, but I would consider logging a support ticket, provide bambu studio and printer logs etc, if you can repeatdily confirm this after a power cycle and \or even try re-pairing your printer to the account, I know some people have success with that step when their own custom filaments dont sync.

Hi, ok i try to Re-Pair the Printer to my Account but It still doesn’t work.

I try to Contact the Bambulab Support.