I’ve taken apart just about everything except for the extruder. Reason I haven’t is because my printing works fine without the AMS. Manual feeding works. I can load and unload. There is definitely nothing clogged of sort. I’ve only been printing PLA for 2 days. First started as unable to retract for Slot 3. Bambu told me to disassemble to check the magnets and make sure everything is in order. I put everything back together and it became worse. Now it won’t even feed properly. I’ve just about took apart and double, triple, quadruple, penta (kill) checked this. So much so that i’ve striped the screw hole for the AMS Hub unit, Stripped the hole for hall sensor located at the extruder assembly.
Looked around the whole community in bambu forum and reddit, tried all their fixes. unfortunately, their fixes always involves broken filament which mine is completely clear.
Need help from you 3d printing gods for guidance.
It tries to feed and grinds the gears sometimes, othertimes, it feeds it all the way to extruder and it attempts to push but gets stuck push and push grinds the gears, my filament gets burnt marks and errors out.
“failed to feed the filament outside the AMS”