AMS Lite can’t figure out what is loaded

I had a part roll of PLA white loaded on 1 and a full roll on 2. I expected when 1 finished it would load 2 but it wouldn’t. I had to physically remove the roll from 2 up to 1.

When I checked, the system had decided 1 was white and 2 was black and no matter what I did it would not accept my changes to tell it both were white.

Is this an RFID problem or am I doing something wrong?

You haven’t told us what you did, so we can’t tell you if you’ve done something wrong or not.

Every once in awhile, i have to reset the slot I’m trying to use. I do it from the printer UI.

I load the new spool. Wait for it to load the filament in the AMS. If it doesn’t pick the right color, i do the slot reset. Then pull the filament out and reload to get it to read the RFID tag correctly. This usually works for me.


Are they RFID spools? Did you swap a black spool with a white one while the system was off? it won’t rescan on boot unless you enable that.

I thought I did: I put Bambu white on 1 and 2 on the AMS Lite. It wouldn’t switch to 2 when 1 was empty. I tried everything to tell it both where white but the AMS software portion refused my attempts. It said 2 was black.

Good thought… I’ll do that.

Yes, Bambu spools with tags.

If they’re BL spools you don’t have to tell the printer anything. It will know, then transfer that info to the device tab in the slicer, you just need to choose “synch” to import those colors to the slicer. In the device tab the slots will show what color they are from the printer and the RFID tags.

You didn’t answer the rest. The printer will detect the colors but only if you load a new spool with the system running and not filament loaded. If the printer doesn’t show the right color loaded it won’t work unless you fix it / reload properly.

Where the spool colors swapped while it was in a print?

Did you sync the filament prior to your print you encountered the issue?

You guys have fun. These “help me” threads with little to no information are getting tiresome. Hope you guys get figured out…eventually.

I had same issue today. Loaded 4 spools 1 was wrong, I had to correct. It was black but system told me it was white.
It had 3 and 4 reversed. 3 was green but it said 4 was green and didn’t have a clue what 3 was. I had to set them all manually.
This AMS isn’t anywhere near as smart as I was lead to believe,

I finally see my problem. I use the AMS on the left of the printer attached to the wall and therefore needed an extension cable for the AMS which, as it turns out, is not wired correctly. 1 was going to 3 etc. I removed the end plug and realigned the wires to match the original and what do ya know… now Ok.

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