AMS Lite Device and Prepare Tab No Sync

A1 Mini with AMS Lite. The Device tab is accurate and shows that I have 3 spools loaded with Slot 1 empty. All Are non Bambu PLA (no RFID). Everything is as expected here.

In the Prepare tab I would expect that after I either force a manual Sync or Resync that the Filament section would align with the Device tab, however it does not and has not ever for me. It looks like this:

Maybe my search criteria was off, but I could not find a similuar topic.

Nothing urgent, but I find this a bit odd as my X1C and P1S perform as I expect within BS. I’m sure it’s user error :slight_smile: Both A1 Mini and AMS Lite are on latest firmware. and

Well, Just noticed I had a spool loaded in the Ext Spool in the Device tab. I reset that, and it now looks like this. Seems if I load a spool in slot 1, it may fix the issue. Do all 4 slots need to be loaded (or at least slot 1) to work correctly?

Removed Ext Slot

Now Prepare tab looks like this

The more I think of this, the more I’m thinking this is how it works and the loaded Ext spool threw off my thinking. If so Carry On :slight_smile:

A1 Mini shows 3 of 4 slots, your not using A1 (Slot 1)…So A2, A3 & A4.
Bambu Studio shows 3 of 3 slots…A1, A2 & A3.

I’m not sure it will sync like that. But, if you send the file from BS to the Mini, it will ask you what slots you want to use.