AMS Mixing colour

Hi there, one week of AMS and something like 4 thread open for problems… OMG
What is happening here ?
The part is white with the bambu logo in green, all was in the prepare tab, but during a print he is doing a mess, I will continue the print but why this happening ?
It’s a purge problem probably

I did without the prime tower because of this error but all the object have the same setting for variable height


You need to describe the problem more than “doing a mess”.

Without a prime tower you’re going to have colour bleed. If you absolutely have to have variable layer height, print the parts one at a time with a prime tower.


I wrote “The part is white with the bambu logo in green, all was in the prepare tab, but during a print he is doing a mess,” plus the topic is AMS mixing color, plus the picture, I was thinking that was enough to understand. My fault sorry, next time I will be more detailed. Thank you for your answer, okgood to know, next time I will follow your suggestions.
I was thinking that the flushing that he made during the filament change was enough, it’s should be enough or not ?

Now you know why the prime tower is important. The red exclamation mark errors are ones that are important to pay attention too.


Yes now I know… But why they don’t manage the change color with the normal poop discharge ? Variable height is a nice feature and since are 4 parts is time consuming have 4 different print plate.

Have you checked the flush volume? Maybe you can solve your problem by increasing the flushing volume for your colors or the general factor? Are you printing with Bambulab G-Code or using a custom code?

Hi I am using Orca and used the automatic self calculated flushing volume

Do you have the 3mf-file? Is the part in the front the first he printed after the change from green to white?

The auto calculation makes some assumptions. Manual values are an option for a reason. Sometimes you need to override based on variables you know like material qualities or the fact you are going to eliminate the prime tower.

@moggantini Maybe you can give us a screenshot from the calculated volumes you used?

Yes of course

The file is this one: