AMS Spool changes mid print and extra checks the X1 should be doing

I realised mid print that i was going to run out of filament. So i took out an unused spool and put in more of the same filament for it to swap over. However, the AMS will not read a new spool while the printer is printing. fair enough. Paused the printer, ams wont read while filament is loaded. ok unload filament. AMS wont read, printer is printing. annoying. Went to resume print, printer did not realise it had no filament loaded and continued the rest of the print ‘in the air’.

I realise this is entirely user error, however some firmware suggestions:

  1. The AMS being able to swap out an ‘unused’ roll mid print is useful. Whether:
    • letting it read ‘non active’ slots while printing,
    • or having it re read/check the slots when it runs out and needs more filament,
    • or letting the user manually override whats in a slot while printing,
    • or letting the ams function normally while a print is paused
  2. The printer should know that it doesnt have filament fed to the extruder and hot end assembly and should load the correct filament when resuming a print.

I had a partial roll in my AMS and just to be on the safe side until it got to the last wrap around the spool then I cut the filament

Loaded up my other roll and waited until the filament runout sensor detected that I was out and it prompted me to reload

I reloaded, it fed and purged then finished the print with no issues

That being said I understand what you are asking for and agree that is a necessary option plus I wasn’t using a BL filament when it ran out or when I fed in the fresh roll

But the filament runout does work and it works very well so at least there’s that :man_shrugging:


By the way that was before I knew about the option to continue the print with the next available roll of filament in the AMS

Its an option on the touch screen

Touch AMS
Touch the cog beside guide
Choose AMS filament backup

You’re golden :+1:

It would be nice if we could pause the print, switch to something like TPU (I feed it from a filament drier) and stick a few layers of squishy material over PLA, ABS, CF, PETG, whatever…

The problem is in order to do that the AMS needs to be powered off (at this point) and the printer does not like that lol


Yes, i’m aware of all this. Im not looking to swap filament in the same slot after runout, i’m looking to have the ams update mid print if i change other slots to add more of the same filament, in order for the feature of swapping filament rolls to work.

At the moment you need to have it all setup before the print, if you realise you will run out mid print you cant preemptively supply more filament in another ams slot easily. You have to wait for it to run out and replace in the same slot.


I’m positive this feature will be added

I have the same problem right now (my filament got stuck tho) and i had to pause and unload to fix it but NOW, it wont read / load the filament anymore and re-start printing with no filament in.
Im kinda stuck here with the machine on pause and the AMS not loading any of the filament to continu printing…
what to do here?

Guys my AMS started unloading my filament mid print… so much so that the roll started to jam up inside my AMS. This has happened a couple times, and im only printing with one color selected. Anyone know whats up???

This printed has caused me so many headaches thus far

I just did a firmware updat to 1.7 and noticed in the release note that they’ve fixed this problem ( power off during pause print due to filament runout can’t be recovered )
Hope it works

I run out of material, an had only refilment and just noticed that Bambu AMS is not able to update/refresh material information during the printing and you are not allowed to edit it… .
Downside: if you would like to use auto swap option, 2 rolls of material have to be inserted before print start.

From the other side … you are able top carry on printing with “unknown material”

ps. tested with refill material and the one with spool originally fitted. ~Same results

Just want to say that I came here from Google about a week ago, and today I just saw that there was a firmware update that allows the AMS to be modified while the printer is printing. So I think this issue has now been solved by Bambu.