AMS SYNC Issue Multi Device

Team Bambu found what i think is an annoying bug. I enabled Multi-Device Management and when you try sync the AMS from either my current 2 X1C or 2 A1 with AMS lite its very intermittent ( no compatible filaments detected) I was pulling my hair out. I tried Orca slicer and it worked but then i remembered i had Multi device selected in Bambu but not Orca.

I swapped back and forth in Bambu studio with Multi selected and not
It works 100% of the time with it not selected but with Multi selected it wont do it 70% of the time. Either that or im doing something wrong. I select the relevant printer on the device page Hop back and sync…


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I have the same issue in Orcaslicer. I was able to reproduce it. It happens with all of my printers, X1C, A1, A1M.

Thank you, this error was driving me crazy! Unchecked multi-device, sync is working like it should again.

Yeah it’s a PITA

@BambuLab have you got this down as a bug ? For multi device selection and sync not working correctly


For what it is worth this same problem has been eating away at me for months. And sure as h*ll as soon as I removed my A1-AMS Lite and X1-C with AMS from the multi-device config page, viola. It works again. Filaments in the AMS now sync correctly!