Analytics date range filter not working on Model Data

When filtering the date range to 7 days or 30 days under Model Data, the x axis on the charts includes all the dates available and data shown as zero for dates that are filtered out. See screenshot below for the 7 Days filter:

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I tried but did not reproduce the issue. If possible, could you send gif or video containing all operations?

From the chart, the range is nearly 3 months.

That’s the issue: the x-axis of the chart shows nearly 3 months even when a user chose the 7 days or 30 days filter. The x-axis should only have the most recent 7 days or 30 days, not early 3 months of dates.

To reproduce this, click at the data filter on the very top right corner of the Analytics page, a small window will show up. At the bottom of the window, there is row of options: all, 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, 1 year. Click at 7 days to reproduce this.

Note: The date range filter works correctly on the analytics for Print Profile Data. Go to the very top left of the Analytics page, and click at Print Profile Data, and do the same date range selection as described above, the x-axis will correctly show only the most recent 7 days data availabe.