AneoPsy, the fastest man alive


i thought about this in that case.

Yeah, I dont know. I think visuals are something for a rating, not for reporting.
The category you mention is more for damaging the printer, or if the profile doesn’t work at all. Prints in mid air because the uploader forgot supports or something.

“Uploader seriously flawed” would be the right category in the case of AneoPsy.

Happened to me too unfortunately, I forgot to change it after I realised it until I came across it a few weeks later because someone couldn’t print it well (but for other reasons). So actually no one had complained about the missing supports, I wish we got more valuable feedback than bad reviews.

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got more comeing from me

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if makerworld dont take down his account or something the users will take down his profiles

i did

so far i reported 2 today

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Uploading pictureless profiles really isn’t fixing anything, and is just adding to the problem.

…and I dunno about y’all rating eachother specifically to spite a user.
This seems like the wrong way to go about things.

so i should let @KanneKaffe make the profile and i blast away at aneopsys fake profiles

I will give you a rating and that will push AneoPsy further down the list.

We can bury his profile under other profiles

yes but there is a (click to see more

If there are good profiles above that nobody will look there.

but wont some look for a faster one

If the fast profile was any good it would be at the top of the list.

And also, I havea fastprofile myself there…

but mine is 10min faster (tip use Bambu filament in slicer and it go’s faster

Out of sight, out of mind.

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A printing time under 1 hour for 3 plates. But it won’t be much faster than about 1 hour. You have to tweak all the settings a lot to get a few minutes out of it and stay under 1 hour. But no publication without reliable test printing.

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Nice. So go print. Anyone should have a set of chopsticks! :grin:

Great work!

I can’t eat like this… lol

I like the way they are going, they are doing more “illegal” things than AneoSpy just to remove his profiles.

  • Publish print profile without real print image
  • Give fake bad rating (or fake good rating to promote friend profile)

The OP still complains about the FAST label, but many users have copied his “style” and do the same and with much slower profiles, but just because he has profile on YOUR model, you still focus on him.