Announcement of removal 2024/01/09 – What exactly is addressed?

I agree with your comments and have concerns about the vagueness of banned terms, caps, and the prevelent use of “etc”. For example, in many of my model descriptions I use “NOTE:” to draw attention to the reader important details about the model and/or print. Will the BOT flag this and delete the model? I also use “AMS”, “PTFE”, “NOT”(as in do NOT overtighten), “CLICK HERE”. Will these be flagged by the BOT and the models deleted?

If a model is flagged by the BOT, it doesn’t sound like we’ll be notified to make corrections, rather it will be automatically deleted. If so, are all the MakerPoints this model generated retracted?

I had in many of my models, user’s comments from their reviews. Comments like “Printed perfectly”, “Quick and easy print!”, “First fix that actually fixed my AMS pull-back errors!” “This is the best filament clip period”. Will these trigger the BOT and get the models deleted?

@MakerWorld please address these concerns about how this will be implemented.

I think you’re exaggerating a bit…
I do not share these concerns and will not change emphases etc. in my descriptions.

I think we can call that a fanboy :rofl:

To sum this up, you are fine if you are not trying to pretend you are from Bambu or Makerworld. Simply using it as a way to pay respect or ‘fan art’ is not wrong.

the main problem is we dont know how aggressive will be the AI bot used for detection. I wont want any of my 10k downloads design being pulled down despite i already made my best effort to change to suit the latest rules.

In fact i am so paranoid due to the very vague description that i went thru all my design descriptions 3 times already over 36 hours in!

I reached out to them right away, and I won’t disclose details. I can tell you if you aren’t trying to be dishonest and mispresent yourself. You are probably going to be fine.

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Words such as fast, best, etc are not among the blacklisted offensive words. I don’t think BL wants to ban them. What is banned is the deceptive practice of misleading users by false or exaggerated claims. If there are multiple profiles and one of them is indeed stronger than the rest, then there isn’t any reason to delete the word strong from its descrption.

As to certain fonts, bold, cap, and style elements, I don’t think they can be banned, and it’s not MakerWorld’s intention either - see MakerWorld’s clarification above.

How about if the creator stated clearly how is his design more superior than the rest by fixing the flaws of what is the current offering happening?

backed with facts and proof is it still considered comparative and deceptive?

In my OPINION, the creator can specifically state what problem s/he saw in some existing models and that his/her model fixed, if that is true. This claim is specific and can be checked to see if the problem does exit and if creator’s model indeed fixed it.

Using words like superior is questionable because it’s vague and cannot be verified, and it’s only creator’s own opinion.

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If you can back it up with facts I am sure that would and should be taken into consideration. There is clear botting and BS on Makerworld and I think they are going after that; not those of us creators legitimately trying do fun and useful things.


Superior is probably a bad choice of word here. Optimised is prob better.

What falls under the Fair Use Doctrine is very complex and better left to trained laywers to argue and judges to decide. Definitely not something creators can just read an article or two and decide for themselves and then tell judges how to rule.

Regarding the BL logo, I believe this time MakerWorld is also looking from the angle of fairness. Models that have the logo on can get more views and downloads just because of the implied official endorsment. This creates an unfairness to those who don’t want to slap the logo on their models for no legitimate reason other than to get attentions.

I hope BL finally does something about the unauthorized use of their logo. Tolerance of misuse sends the wrong message. There are significant cheating and abusing of the platform in various ways. One has to wonder if the Broken Windows Theory appplies here.

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