Another MakerOnline thief

MakerWorld has informed me one of my models has been stolen by a MakerOnline user.

Having looked, the user has stolen lots of models I recognise. Too many for me to go through and individually report to all the MW users by myself.

Can we all do our bit and reach out to the users and also see if you are a victim.

Add a comment if to say which ones you are informing ideally with thumbnails and edit that post when you have. That way no duplicate work will occur.


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If MW informed you, why is their account still active?

Shouldn’t they have disabled the perp account?

Oh… I see… It’s Sorry I’m blonde. ; )


I am going to inform…

  • Fixxlee [Informed]
  • Weiweiwei [Informed]

Knitted Crochet Santa Gonk Gnome

Christmas Snowman Knit Disassembly Version

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Thief! I was blonde first!


How is MO about taking down copyright violations?

They just do in my experience. I have a harder time with Etsy/Ebay/Facebook marketplace

My model has been removed.

No other one has though.

Just reported the user’s profile with links to the original models from the latest 5 uploads. Let’s see how that goes…

Ow my, you did hit the jackpot. I will have a look and see what can be done!

Okay, exactly those five were already removed and the rest is still up. So batch-reporting on the profile with multiple links seems to work and is less work than individual reports or reaching out to the designers. Sadly they didn’t suspend the user all together

Edit: here is their report. Before the red line is my report and after it is their reaction:

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