I find that I’m most content when I never express an opinion about anything controversial (which is almost everything).
I’ve supported the BBL suicide initiative assuming they had their eye on the greater good. And I’ve supported those who have their panties in a wad because of it. So what I want to do now is purge support for either side. I’m exhausted from trying to sort it out.
Most discovery from those in the know suggests BBL has deceived us. And that’s ironic since they currently have the world loving their machines. I’ll enjoy mine as long as they’re still enjoyable but I’m going to try to remain silent on what’s going on.
So I want to purge every support statement I’ve ever made. You might say I want to flush the toilet on the way out. I realize they own my words and probably won’t let me take them back. All uploads going private.
You have a nice list of your posts available if you select “activity” after clicking on your forum avatar. Selecting the three dots under the post, you can then delete it.
Probably quicker to deletion and more controllable than raising requests.
There are always conflicts. Sometimes just taking a break can really help. And, except for helping others get better prints or letting bambu know we don’t like something they are implementing, pretty much everything else here is a massive waste of time. Best to treat it like that and spend our time making cool stuff like this…
Honesty, there’s no need. A person learns and grows every day. If I fully agreed with myself from couple years that would mean I haven’t learned anything
In such cases, the best way forward would be to send a final post saying what you said here and mute notifications about it.
Bill if that’s the case you can say anything you want and you’re protected by the 1st amendment. Look at this, ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ and ■■■■■■■■■■■■ the ■■■■■■ with a rutabaga!
But seriously, we’re all makers and our love for this hobby will bring us all back together in the end. This too shall pass and soon we’ll all be printing flexi dragons again like no-bodies business.
There’s a limit of how many posts you can delete in a day, so it may take a long time to delete all of them. But maybe an admini or moderator can nix them all at once for you, which would save you quite a lot of hassle. Whether they would agree to do so, I have no idea.