I know somebody is going to say, “Sure, I use them to make smoothies all the time,” so before that happens, yes, I’m talking about the app. If so what is your skill level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced)?
I use Blender and I’d say I’m somewhere between beginner and intermediate. I know that cad would probably be a better choice but I’m just using what I know.
I tried blender when I started learning design, but never really got the hang of it, I discovered im definitely a fusion guy
While I mainly use FreeCAD, I do use blender sometimes. I wouldn’t say I’m even a beginner in blender - I’m on episode 4 of blender donut tutorial maybe I’ll finish that tutorial this year… Who knows
I’m in a stupid mood.
Warning ‘joke’ inside
Yes, I made a fruit smoothie earlier!
I knew you were going to say that lol
I use blender. I’m beginner to advanced, depending on which aspect of the program you’re talking about.
I’ve been using Blender for quite a few years and would consider myself a solid intermediate.
You know, when I wrote this post, I considered singling you out specifically. I fully expected you to say something like that, even with the way I phrased the question.
i use blender and others.
I only use Blender; I picked it up in 2016 and have never used anything else. My skill level depends on the project.
Model making - intermediate to advanced
Rigging - intermediate
Animation - Beginner
Materials - Intermediate
Texturing - Intermediate (but I am lazy)
Beginner to intermediate.
Blender is great for modifying STLs. Especially when you can group points to make parts you can replace or move / re-orient. Most of the time I’ve seen examples of this, it’s modifying miniatures.
To me, if you want to make organic parts use Blender. if you are going for mechanical and need accurate dimensions, use FreeCAD or another design program.
I know about Blender CAD Sketcher, but it still has a long way to go and, compared to when it started, development has been very slow the last couple of years.
pretty much an Intermediate user.
im prolly a know noting on blender.
I’m a beginner-intermediate, but I’ve modeled a few things–like these:
BTW, Blender is also good for hard surface modeling where you are going for perspective in size, rather than accurate dimensions (like space ships).
However, if you are doing this, you need to spend time following the tutorials on hard surface modeling, and using the free, and maybe the pay for plugins made specifically for modelling hard surfaces.
There are amazing plugins for running cables that might even be useful for tentacles (or Predator “hair” )