Anyone tried the new AMS TPU yet?

Just curious before I purchase the new AMS compatible TPU 95.

It’s not flexible like normal TPU, at all.


SO what type of filament would you compare it to? PLA, CF? Is it just stiffer than 95A TPU, or brittle like the other types?

The AMS TPU isn’t 95A, it’s 68D. Quite hard.

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OK, thanks for your reply!

Any thoughts on where it would be better than PLA given that?

Watch Zack freedman’s YouTube video on filament tier list.
Harder tpus are stronger than most filaments because of their superior layer adhesion.

I have all the TPUs for AMS and many TPU 95 and TPU 95 HF (just faster to print).

I like the TPU for AMS.

It can easily swap between colours one the same layer, and the detail is great, like PLA.

It turns out it is 68D, I thought it was 65D for ages, BL only recently added the shore value to the description.

TPU isn’t a single type of material, it is flexible by chemical bonds, just different degrees of flexibility.

A great example is multiple colour coasters and keyrings.

I created a stackable doorstop recently, and it works brilliantly using TPU for AMS.

You use it anywhere you need more than the small amount of flex that PETG provides. It is far more durable.

Anything you would consider a real-world model, functioning like in the kitchen, home decor, tools and much more.

I wouldn’t bother using it for models, zero benefits as nothing interacts with it.

I will continue to purchase it. I still use TPU 95A/HF as it has uses that are very different, some the same. Much harder to swap colours at layers.

I have a brand new model I am prototyping that uses both TPU and TPU for AMS, the TPU for AMS parts are far faster to print and work really well.


What about strength?
How much stronger than pla (am asking you because you have done testing)

TPU for AMS is far stronger in the sense it can take hits due to its flexibility.

You could use it as the hammer end of a hammer.

For when you didn’t want to break something, like the soft commercial ones.

Door stops, like I mentioned will not break if the door smacks them.

I can bend my test coaster over so both sides touch and then flatten it back.

With PLA, that would have cut my hand and I would be on the floor wondering if the blood was a good sign.

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I have the latest firmware for x1c and ams but still it throws an error to say it is not compatible

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Have you updated your AMS as well?
If it doesn’t recognize the filament, you’ll encounter an error.

I’ve printed 2kg of TPU using the AMS without any issues. I’m running the following firmware:

  • X1 Carbon:
  • AMS:
  • AMS Hub:
    Check these

So you reverted back to an older version of Bambu Studio? Current version is

I’ve got a spool of the AMS TPU in one of the AMS - It prints like PETG and uh kind of feels like it too unless you print with one wall

I knew it wouldn’t be that flexible because of it’s shore value but they should sell it as Flexi Petg or something considering their penchant for slapping material names on filament that bears little similarity to what the’ve named it.

(example: their PLA basic isn’t traditional (modern) PLA, I wish they’d give a break down of what it’s made of, same for their petg-hf)

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All are up to date but still raises an error for the “AMS TPU” that said I put it in as PLA and then changes some slicer settings. Result was insane!. Really clean, no stringing. This TPU is harder than normal but perfect for my use case in RC suspension parts that will take a beating.

I can’t post links or images yet but below is an image of the first print
imgur dot com/T6Z5zTT

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Theres some TPU coming that starts out like pla and then softens when melted. Im sorry but i cannot remember where I read this.

Edit: It was here. Sounds like they dehydrate the TPU completely and then you rehydrate it afterwards.

I believe it’s rated at 65D, which is exceptionally hard for a rubber-like material. It’s quite strange that your AMS isn’t handling TPU for AMS correctly. It’s important to ensure that both the studio and the firmware in the AMS are updated. Personally, I’m currently using BambuLab Studio Beta, and even that works without any issues.

I’m stumped as well. All good though, on my second spool now and it’s printing a dream. Just had to pretend it was PLA.

This is quite unusual. Are you sure you’ve selected TPU for AMS in the slicer settings? I’ve printed about two rolls of TPU for AMS, but I found it too hard for my preferences—I prefer something softer, like TPU 95A HF.

Could you share screenshots of your slicer settings and any error messages from your printer? Please include one screenshot of the slicer settings, one from before you start the print (either in Handy, on the printer’s touchscreen, or in the slicer). I’m genuinely curious about this issue, and I’m determined to help solve it. :wink:

Also, please take a screenshot of your device info, but make sure to cover your serial number to protect any sensitive information.

Send a bug report to Bambu and the following day a beta firmware update appeared. Working perfectly now. cheers - beta