Are these thumbnails AI generated?

Heh, go figure.
That’s what Dumbu wants…

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Generic boilerplate text to include with your models, Jay: :grin::grin::grin:

Boost my models! Join my Patreon! Join my club! Make donations! Buy my models on other websites! Buy a commercial license! Buy an amateur license! See my Etsy page! Here’s my Amazon affiliate page! Buy! Buy! Buy! Money! Money! Money!


Can you please expand this list with calls? It was just so interesting to read. I also want to … :sob:

I noticed Delta prints has no print profiles with his name on it, or Designer. Mostly someone named Angelol. Did they actually pull his print profiles?

No, he said he doesn’t make profiles. He has his partner create them.

The newest uploads be like:


If that’s how Makerworld wants to be? - Then please let the platform be like that.

There’s an entire drama filled now-closed thread with both of them (and most everyone in this thread) about it here if you’d like some light reading lol:


That is pretty cool, AI is amazing these days!

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Okay now this is getting crazy, so I’m starting to see some of the people called out here post new thumbnails like THIS:

So they’ve been called out, likely even pinched by the MW police, so now they’re including the print teeny tiny next to the full size ai gen bs image that doesn’t remotely resemble the actual cad.



This is getting worst day by day.

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This matches my beautiful squidward meme sooooo much…

I get the AI being used for inspiration. I get that the AI cover doesn’t represent model and should fall under misleading content, so the model photo got added to the cover to “cover base”. But I wonder why it’s not designed in a way that one looking at the AI-gen cover might expect? Is it just “too hard to make” or is it case of “meh, 's good 'nuf! SHIP IT!” I mean - in both cases the real model looks like if was designed by someone who could do the shapes required, but haven’t seen the AI image and just went by description. And why it’s so tiny? Is it because “ugh, I gotta show the real thing… better not waste too much filament on it”?


And… the ones being called in this topic are still not being penalized for those atrocious AI generated models, the affiliate links, the fact that they used Bambu Lab as a partner contact and with that being favored and so on…

Hmm… yeah… these are today news :laughing:

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It’s also because the resolution of those AI generated Stl is ■■■■


I really don’t understand Bambu’s inaction in all of this. There is a problem and it will tarnish Bambu and MakerWorld if people get burned too much by AI-fronted models. Get burned too many times with junk and the printer will sit unused. The fun will get poisoned by junk models Bambu is even calling “exclusives”.

It’s Bambu’s house though. If they don’t mind it getting a bad reputation, there’s really not much we can do. And there are plenty of good models. It’s just the scammers keep finding new ways to game the system and Bambu falls further and further behind the curve.


Do you know what is even worse? Not saying that they did, but that they can…
My downloads and prints tanked since the last time i gave my opinion on that and confronted the person in the mentioned topic. And i am not lying at all, even my wife told me that. If may be a coincidence but it sure made me think… :roll_eyes:


Will just leave this here. It’s a small part but nonetheless, important. Everyone can take their own conclusions and, if needed, i can post the screenshot with the full post, including other subjects that include more of this “contact” thing and more. Does MW care? I don’t know, but it sure was good if they had come and said “hey, this is a lie/truth” and that’s it… instead there was silence and i keep my stand. They have great printers but the worst interaction with users.

Nailed it.

When printing, everything is fine, I did not notice in the picture that the surfaces are not round, but faceted.
2024-10-22 14:30

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They can’t be bothered waiting for you guys, they’re taking from the comment section now

Are you sure it is tiny (ignore the hand for this reference to work).

They might just be far away.

These cows are small, those cows are far away