Artifacts on outer wall

So when printing a case for a Raspberry Pi, I get these weird horizontal artifacts along some printing layers on my outer walls (see attached photos).

It seems like this occurs primarily when the structure changes a bit, e.g. when a hole gets in the way.
I’ve checked my printing parameters and apparently all of the relevant ones like speed, flow, layer time remain constant over the whole print job.

Is anyone familiar with this issue?

The filament I’m using is PLA matte Ivory White on my P1S with AMS.

Do you maybe have seam on scarf
or in filament setting

Hi, thank you for your reply!
unfortunately no, in my case the settings i can change for seam look a little bit different. (see attached pic).

I have way less options to change it.

To meet the artifact issue I even tried a different layer height (went down from 0.2 → 0.1 mm), but this didn’t solve the problem…

Very similar to this issue:

See @Olias first post in there for a great guide on fixing it. PS: I suspect wet filament as it causes more filament to extrude than necessary due to the moisture boiling and pushing out extra filament (especially during travel) which presents as walls that look like this.

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Hi Lenyo, thanks for your reply — seems to be really the same issue! I’ll test it out in the next days…