ASA AERO, Bad batch product?

Anybody else have had problems with this filament? I have tried everything in the book and not a good print. Yes, have dried it properly in dryer, using enclosed X-1 Carbon, have followed all the instructions on its Wiki, have consulted the customer service which gave me conflicting parameters in relation with Wiki parameters and still nothing works. I suspect a bad batch of filament, it supposed to be real brittle and brake easy like dry pasta? Over $100 (2 spools) in the trash. Printed the same parts using other filaments without a problem BTW.

Depending on the dryer you used you may just have been baking your filament in a humid environment. Not all dryers work the same or equally as well. You need to give more details on your drying before wet filament can be excluded. Did you weigh before and after and see a weight reduction? What was the humidity reading in the dryer when you pulled the spool?

I don’t know about ASA but some filaments do get brittle with higher moisture contents.

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Asking about others with problems with ASA AERO, have you printed with it?

Bambu CS asked me the batch number, seems like there is a bad batch circling around. Should not be that bad to deal with this filament, if it was OK. Now if the customer service would not take so long to reply would be great. .

Was just trying to help, Ed. Have done a bit of work around filament moisture and can tell you for a fact that many think they are drying their filament when they aren’t. This is a disservice by dryer manufacturers who put out dryers that barely work.

I was asking questions appropriate to the issue but obviously you are happy where you are. I’ve used ASA but not Aero.

Good luck sorting your issues.

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What was the batch number of yours?

B51…see photo for complete batch number. The B38 still sealed

Mines missing the batch sticker, but sounds like ordered around same time so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was close. We’ll need more details to really give you an answer like what are you printing and what settings? Single wall? If so yes single wal low infill for things like airplanes is super brittle and the shell will break if you push on it a little too hard, I would almost say not even hard and you can poke your finger right through it. Alot of people are starting to use 1/2oz fiberglass sheets and resin over this stuff to make it super solid too. If that’s the case I would recommend adding another wall or playing with settings, you’ll get closer to LW PLA weights if you do your infill and wall thickness correctly and that alone makes a massive difference. Going from 1 to 2 or 3 walls is night and day difference in strength. Also the dryer comment is 110% accurate. A 3d printer doesn’t make the best dryer when your talking about something like Aero ASalA which is insanely sensitive to moisture when printing. I use a single s4, 80* c for 8 hours and have never had an issue. Aero asa is probably one of the harder/hardest filaments to print. I would highly recommend getting a dryer if your going to print with it. It took me about 300 grams of 20 - 30 gram prints to start getting it dialed in for an airplane. It will strong ALOT and you can’t get rid of it. Temp/flow rate plays massive role on strength as it’s foaming filament not pre foamed as well. Not saying your new to printing at all either or mean any offense but you see a lot of these problems with people who didn’t come from old school printers and difficult filaments and do t fully understand the filament and how to dial things in. Reading alot of your posts it sounds like your drying in oven at 55*c for longer to compensate and that’s not going to cut it. You need a dehydrator or proper dryer. It’s a tuff filament to get just right. I see a lot of people tossing it out not getting it dialed right in. It isn’t like PLA or even nylon/abs. Everything you print is going to probably have a different profile you’ll make depending on the needs and even size of the print your doing I am personally super pleased with the aero asa so far. This stuff will always be stringy, you can’t retract cause it’s foaming, prints need to be dialed in considering alot of variables, the stock 3mf Bambu labs provides is too fast for anything thin walled like RC aircraft, but done right it’s so much better than lwpla… especially not having your aircraft warp in the sun after a few mins. Every print I’ve done with it after dialing it in comes out gorgeous. Don’t throw it away I’ll give ya $20 for it if your tossing the rolls lol

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I sent back to Bambulab and waiting on refund, I used a filament dryer for ten hours at 75 degrees, weight before and after, filament was dry from sealed pack as the loss was minimum . I was able to get some of

a part done but was a continuous print and without support. seems like the minute the nozzle leaves the printing pattern the whole hell breaks up. I tried everything by the wiki, from customer support emails, watched a bunch of videos…basically failing at end, and was no luck. It simply would not work for my helicopter fuselage parts, if need use support, will fail. thanks for the reply, I hope will help someone with good filament

This is a misconception. You assume the low loss was because the spool was already dry even though it was causing problems.

The other answer (which weights alone cannot tell you) is that your drying method was just ineffective.

Both situations result in low weight loss on drying.

Yeah, OK MZip.(Yabba Dabba Doo)…seems like you do have a crystal ball and knows exactly that my Filament Dryers are not good, you should try the next lottery with the winning tickets in hands. My driers have been working good with all other filaments. You make yourself sounds like you are Bambu damage control agent. They got it back, mind yourself that bad batches of filament happen and is not every time you see someone with a problem that it is operator error. How about stop focus on me and just do a search on the product (that you have not used at all) at www?, you will see even BambuLab filament vendors telling the product is not good, the big Pro guys don’t like it either.

Nope. No crystal ball. And I didn’t say your filament was wet. I said it might be.

See, the issue is you are having print problems characteristic of too high of moisture content. Your “test” was not actually able to tell you whether moisture was your problem or not.

And no, I’m not damage control for Bambu. I only have said that thoroughly and known dry filament from Bambu and others prints great here. I have printed ASA. Just not Aero.

I only tried to help and apparently that upset you. When I pointed out the weight difference test can give a low difference if drying is ineffective, you now call me a shill for Bambu - which I am not. I don’t think you were here but I’ve been fairly critical of bad filament batches, tape on their spools, and a few other issues.

The Bambu ASA Aero page has multiple statements that it is hygroscopic and must be carefully dried. But you must know better so good on you. Maybe you can get your printing issues sorted.

Last, one might expect a bad batch of filament to get more complaints than just yours. There was a similar claim of a bad batch here around a year ago but there were quite a few who saw it and reported it, myself included.

Edited to remove snark.

Why go for hate, what is it with people these days?

You asked for help, you received some, and you do not like it or agree with it, because you know everything?

You may not like the views of others, that might mean a forum is not the best place for you.

Help from others who have not used it doesn’t invalidate the help offered.

Many common solutions affect many different topics.

Why not be honest, “Only provide help if it reinforces my own belief.”

If you will be rude and dismissive, don’t reply, as it doesn’t make others reading it think “This is a person I wish to engage with.”


Only you are seeing hate here, I see sarcastic comments that adds nothing positive and zero solution.

Not will engage in purse fight, I don’t have one. I ended watching this thread now, your comments will be between those that have the time to make opinionated replies without bring actual solutions. Thanks BCCommando for your reply!

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@EdinTN - did you just skip over this in BCommando’s reply?