I printed this using the filament setting in Bambulab for polylite ASA, extra draft 0.28mm line height, 240C hotend temp, 260C 1st 3 layer temp, 100C bed temp. Layer adhesion didn’t work…I also printed the same using PLA with Bambulab filament settings as well, same results. This is approx 240mm x 240mm x20mm high. I am guessing you can’t print 0.28mm line height using the .4mm nozzle, is that correct? Initial height was 0.2mm height for 1st 3 layers.
Are you sure the model file does not have any tiny gaps causing the issue?
Model file ok. My thought is that the wall thicknes is not wide enuff.
I Print a very Lot with ASA try the follow.
1st layer 265°C Z Offset -0.1 in a RAW pei surface (Press the Material into the build Plate!) with Speed 16mm/s Zero Fan.
This will the 1st layer sticky as hell.
Every other layer 235 -245 °C 100° Bed is okay
Printet at least 50kg ASA so far
Unfortunatelyni have No Pics that iam allowednto Share with you
I am trying your settings. Let you know. Mark
I cabt speak for the Bamboo Plate, but with pei i also have good experience With dishwashing liquid instead of Isopropanol Just Clean With mich water. It looses fat better than ISO, cause ISO can also spread It around