Auto bed leveling pattern?

If I have the auto bed leveling checked it usually checks the bed in a seven by seven pattern, but sometimes it just makes a check in the middle and the four corners.

There is no problem but I wonder why there are different patterns, and what makes it select one pattern over the other. Any ideas?

Does this always happen or only if you keep pushing?

The printer checks with 5 points first. If any of those 5 points no longer match the previous bed levelling data it performs a full 49 point set.


Ok, that makes sense.

Im curious as to why during a print (14hr) the printhead moves over to the right hand side , but not so far as to use the cutter , drops down to bed level then continues to print from where it left off , does anyone know if that is part of a auto bed levelling sequence while printing (A1-Mini) that it appears to be or is it something unrelated ?

I am guessing it checks for filament build up around the nozzle, if there is a big clump hanging there it will be detected as the Z-axle hits the bed earlier then expected.

Thats a good point , as the nozzle will sit right on the edge of the plate, thanks,
i have seen a similar question asked before , but it wasnt until i noticed it that the auto levelling while printing question / thought came to mind , that and another thread

I noticed that with the latest firmware, my A1 now adjusts the size of the leveling pattern according to the area that will be occupied by the printed objects. I’ve seen patterns as small as 4x4.
Since the last firmware update i haven’t seen the 5 point (center and corners) leveling.

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