Aux Fan Saver

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall…

I designed this version of the bracket because the current existing one available on the wiki is not optimized for fdm printing. It has lots of retractions, steep overhangs and is a support rather than a bracket. My version used about 75gm, prints in 3hrs using stock petg settings, and overhangs are under 40 degrees. It supports and holds the fan in place even if the VHB stickers come loose.


This is the one i printed (= the one that i had to print due to the fan not staying glued) and it seems to be working fine. Printed with SUNLU ABS / Generic ABS profile. Vertically printed, without supports.
Thanks for the STL.

This is a great design. Good job.

Bambu Lab has updated its design of the Aux fan on the new batch of printers. The new design has mounting points that can be screwed to the side panel, thus preventing it from falling. So please check the version of your Aux Fan before printing, no point wasting filament.

As for those printers that comes with the older version of the Aux fan, please use the Aux fan saver before it does a Humpty Dumpty. Thanks