Auxiliary fan on when set to be off

For some prints, I set the auxiliary fan at 0% in the filament settings to prevent warping. Occasionally, when I print with those fan settings in place, the auxiliary fan will still turn on, usually at 70%, today it was 40%.

I sometimes insert G-code commands at certain layers to turn on the auxiliary fan when it is printing the higher layers, but the issue above doesn’t seem to be triggered by inserting the G-code commands in previous prints. If I catch it, I will turn off the fan in Bambu Studio, Handy or the touch screen and it will stay off.

Has anybody experienced this? If you think you haven’t, keep an eye out for it in the future in case you just never noticed before.

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I have definitely experienced this and it sometimes can be maddening when you’re trying to optimize some of the more finicky high temp filaments. Although I have not gone down the GCode rabbit hole. I am almost at that point. So anything that anyone can share on this topic would be most welcomed.

In the meantime, all I can do as a workaround is the same thing you apparently were forced to do and to monitor the print and keep clicking the fan settings to turn it off. That’s not very practical on a print lasting more than 20 minutes.

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I had the same problem when i started. The issue is a stupid paragraph in the filament settings in tab advanced gcode (or something like that) which enables the aux fan depending on plate temperature. I got a very helpful response from another user. I will look up the thread and post the link in a second.

Hmm, my topic was about the exhaust fan at the back. Maybe it is still helpful:

That gcode in the advanced tab only controls the chamber fan.

Might be worth it for me to submit a bug report to Orca and Bambu Slicer.