Bad "autoselection" of AMS slot


Lets suppose we have the AMS loaded as this:

Slot 1 FilamentA
Slot 2 FilamentB
Slot 3 FilamentC
Slot 4 FilamentA

Slots 1 and 4 have the same filament and its correctly stated in the system at all levels (AMS and BS).

In our project we select the printing material as FilamentA fron Slot 4 as we want this roll to be ended as soon as posible. Autoswitch is enabled as there in not enought material in the roll.

We slice the project and send it to the printer. In the sending dialog BS always select the Slot 1 (we can change this in the sending dialog as a workaround).

BS MUST select the Slot 4 as defined in the Prepare section of the project.

The position of filament in Bambu Studio and the slots in Bambu Studio do not corelate. Think of the filament in Bambu Studio as a “library” of the filament you have and the printer sorts out what it has and links them up the best that it can when you send the print.

I find the disconnect between the Prepare and Device tabs difficult for new users to wrap their head around. Like @JonRaymond said, they do not correlate.

What is shown on the Prepare tab can be populated with what is in your AMS by using the sync/resync - but the ordering does not tie directly to the slot that the value came from. You can manually add more filament here than what you have slots for, and even work with the library of others when opening a supported 3mf from Makerworld, etc.

Only when you go to print is it time to rectify the items from your prepare pallet to physical reality - Studio uses the properties like type and color to do a best effort auto select, but it is up to you to make any necessary adjustments.

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The same happened to me. That’s why I think the AutoSwitch, AutoFill or whatever it’s called doesn’t work. I disabled it after the first use. The whole reason to switch to a new spool is to pick up after and end of spool occurs. Not start with a new spool and go to a near empty spool if that one runs out. :roll_eyes:

And to compound the problem, most filaments are taped to the spool at the end and will jam the AMS or cause an error of unrecoverable magnitude long before it tries to load the next spool.

It was a great idea but not thought through. Especially if you’re not using BL filament. Or have the discovery turned off to shave 15-20 minutes off the printer startup time. BL’s tracking of the remaining spool filament comes at high price to pay. I’ve simply resorted to manually checking the spool and looking at the print volume of the item. (AKA:SWAG)

I on the other hand use the AutoFill feature extensively and find it works great for me. Yes sometimes you have to pick the smaller spool to start the print with when you send/start the print. Once you understand you need to check to see which spool the printer wants to start with it isn’t a big deal to pick the smaller one.

The tape thing seems to be a new issue on some Bambu PLA spools. I’ve never had had an issue with Bambu ABS spools and I’ve gone through 100’s of them. I don’t feel this is a long term issue as I feel that this is just a supplier issue that Bambu has to work out. That being said, if it ever starts to be an issue on ABS spools I’ll respool them. It doesn’t take long with an auto repooler. I keep an eye on low spools to make sure they aren’t taped.

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You are right about that but that didn’t come along when I first started. Didn’t that come along in a subsequent release? (Verifying the spool after pressing “Print Plate”.) Any way, it still didn’t work if you have PLA Black and PLA Black CF. BL can’t seem to distinguish between the two. It seems to go for black PLA and that’s all that matters.

When you print the plate you can assign any slot to any similar filament.


In the example above the model is sliced with Silver ABS so it won’t let me pick the ABS-CF slot (it’s grayed out) but I can assign any of the other slots.

It’s been a while since I printed with PLA CF filaments but I’m pretty sure it’s the same way.


So it’s a “feature” then.
I will live with it.

Thank you for all the answers.