Bad bed adhesion on textured PEI plate

Only 2 (silk PLA without brim) of 6 (4 failed ones with normal PLA and brim) prints did it. Even with a 5mm brim the prints loose connection to the plate. Bed temps are 55°C (Standard slicer settings). Will try 70°C next. What are your recommendations?

did you check whether there is still some kind of thin plastic coating on the plate ? Otherwise would lower the speed for first layer to abt 50 mm/s and increase temp to 60 °, clean the plate with IPA. It should work, mine works flawless - you can also check with printables, search for " bambu lab start code " - there is a new start code which will add a squish of 0.04 mm - you could amend this to try also 0.02 mm

3D lac spray…

AS an example I have just printed this one (PLA) on the textured plate, 55 °, no glue or spray. It just sticks. I do clean the plate with IPA once a day or so. Datei-Upload, Freigabe und Cloud-Backup-Service.

first print with the new code worked thanks.