Bad botton surface with brand new A1 mini


Just received an A1 mini.
Using the Textured PEI plate all is working beautifully but with the Smooth PEI plate I have this bottom surface finish:

I have changed extrusion factor from 0.98 to 1.05 with no changes (a little elephant foot is all this change produces).

Any hint?

Did you change the plate type in the slicer?
Didi you relevel after changing plates?

Yes and yes.

(Ridiculous 25).

What is your initial line width set to?

The default provided by BS:


I’ve seen this before and suggested that the user do a bed level then place a sheet of aluminum foil between the bed and plate - effectively lowering the nozzle by the thickness of the foil - the other use said it worked very well - If you do this you should watch the initial layer the first time you try it to be sure it is going to work and be prepared to hit the STOP

Thank you for the suggestion but that sounds more like a patch than a solution to the real problem.
Let’s see what Bambu Lab support come with.

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After some information and logs requested by Bambulab, they finally suggested to do a manual bed calibration.
I did it no problem. After then, when the printer starts her own full bed calibration, she goes out of the plate boundaries and shows an error.
A full reset to factory defaults didn’t solve the problem.
Now I’m waiting for the service support answer.
The printer is 2 weeks old.