Bad connection to contours and walls after filament Change (PLA)

Everything was fine with my settings initially.
Then I switched the filament (from older Sunlu PLA to new Sunlu PLA), and suddenly the connections to the contours and walls are no longer good – see image.
I’ve performed a flow dynamics calibration.
What is the correct parameter to fix this effect, and what would be a good benchmark print for diagnosing this issue?

Thank you very much, and best regards,

Everything looks pretty good in that picture to me except the infill wall overlap:

(Strength tab):

I might want to calibrate flow rate as well before trying more overlap though, you did mention calibrating flow dynamics (pressure advance) but not sure you also did flow rate>?

Thank you for your quick reply.
I’ve performed the flow calibration, and it seems to be almost perfect without any adjustments—see the attached image.

The wall overlap is set to the default 15%.
When I experiment with extreme values, such as 0% and 100%, it’s clear from the preview that this setting only affects the wall and has no impact on the adjacent bottom layer—I’ll still test it further.


Ok, going back to what you said about it was just the change in filament perhaps you should also calibrate the pressure advance (flow dynamics). When you say from old to new do you mean a different type at all or just another purchase of the same filament?

It doesn’t seem like a moisture issue, perhaps the new roll is not the issue and the issue is that the model was previously sliced on version of Bambu studio and now with an update to 1.10. you are having a different result? Just throwing it out there in case it could help, I don’t remember a change in 1.10 that relates to this type of issue, mostly scarf seams stuff iirc…