Bad Nozzle?

I haven’t had a bad nozzle yet on my X1, so I’m curious if thats what’s going on here…see attached photo.

Looks like a possible nozzle clog. What filament and nozzle are you running?

0.4 nozzle, with Bambu PA-CF. I know they suggest a 0.6, but I don’t care for the quality. Generally I’ve had good luck with the 0.4 and PA-CF.

well that is the problem then, their PA-CF just clogged. If you want to keep using a 0.4mm you can, but expect it to do this now and again.

To fix the issue, you will most likely need to do a cold pull on the nozzle. Nozzle clogs | Bambu Lab Wiki

And to prevent this issue in the future, consider using a 0.6mm nozzle as recommend or move to a different filament.

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okay, I figured when they mentioned clogged nozzle, it was a complete clog - which is what I’ve had experience once or twice with this combo.

I’ll have to find a new filament, just printed a piece with the 0.6 and I’m just not happy with the quality.

FWIW ive personally had good luck with the Polymaker PA6-CF on the 0.4mm nozzle so far, no clogs in over 30~ hours of printing.


Have any settings you could share?

Are you fully drying out the filament before printing (80C for 12 hours)? Using a dry box?

You might want to try PAHT-CF next and make sure it’s really dry before printing. It retains less moisture and should be easier to print with higher finish quality.

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I just used the Bambu PA-CF preset and it worked fine for my larger prints.

I had been printing all day, and it literally happened from one layer to the next. The spool of filament has been in the AMS with desiccants that are about 2wks old.

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But did you dry it out before putting it in the AMS? The desiccant won’t dry out filament that is already wet. It will only remove moisture from the air and keep dry filament dry. Too much moisture in the filament will expand the material and possibly clog the nozzle. The PA-CF in particular soaks up moisture.

If you weren’t drying it out and you’ve been having quality issues with the 0.6 nozzle, I would start there and see where it takes you.

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Gotcha…I’ll give it a shot. The 0.4 nozzle is shot, I can’t get anything to print through it. I thought I had an extra on hand, instead I only have two 0.6…oh well!

@Matt I should also mention, most of the issue’s I have with quality are the noticeable thickness of the lines, 0.4 on the walls is almost un-noticeable, with 0.6 its very clear.

Any suggestions on minimizing visible line width using a 0.6 nozzle?

I haven’t even opened my 0.6 nozzle yet so I can’t give you exact settings, but you should be able to reduce the extrusion width to 60% of 0.6mm. You can also try reducing your layer heights to 75% of the nozzle diameter. So both of these will get you pretty close to the 0.4 nozzle in appearance. However, I don’t know how well this will work with PA-CF, as I haven’t opened my spool of it yet either, so I would try a couple different settings.

After your fitment is dry, I would try doing some small test pieces with varying extrusion widths and go from there.

EDIT: looks like my sample spool is actually PAHT-CF, but I will be playing around with that and trying to dial in the settings on it soon with various nozzles.

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