Bad quality prints after changing noozle and gears

Hi there

I changed the noozle first time and I am running into bad quality prints with my P1P. It was printing fine before. I just replaced stock gears with hardened ones and also put an assembled 0.8 hardened nozzle.

I have the impression the filament is to liquid and I can hear subtle cracking sounds (like ice breaking) when extruding (either when purging the filament at the beginning or while printing). The filament is sticky when gets out of the nozzle, sometimes it even get adhered to the small wiper. I can also see that the beginning of the initial purge line fails to print and gets stick to the nozzle.

I also see that the filament continues to flow from the nozzle even when it stops extruding, I didn’t see this happen with the 0.4 nozze, or at least, not that obvious.

The filament that gets out of the nozzle sometimes looks like is not homogeneous

I took some pictures of a benchy I finished in Smart Materials 3D light green. Then I changed to Elegoo gray and didn’t get any better. Both filaments have been printing well this morning with the 0.4 nozzle

The nozzle seems to be properly setup in the slicer (see screenshots)

The benchy:

Purge lines:

In the top picture, the nozzle dragged some filament that ended as part of the first layer and making the print fail. I think something similar happened with the benchy, that’s why the letters in the bottom looks so messy

Finally, I configured the nozzle like this:

and the filament settings (that does not seem to change after selecting one nozzle or the other):

I read somewhere that it could be a flow problem, but I am too lost to even try something on my own. The toolhead fun works, it can be seen on one of the pictures

What should be my next steps to troubleshoot this? Maybe there’s something I didn’t do right when I assembled the gears or the noozle? Something too tight? Other settings that should change?

Are you certain you plugged in the part cooling fan correctly?

Hi @jadeade,

Did you test the upgraded extruder with the 0.4mm nozzle?
Did you calibrated the printer after changing the nozzle and the filament too?

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The fan was working, but I am not sure now… The part fan sometimes does not want to fit properly…

I just added the 0.4 nozzle again, but left the hardened gears and it seems to be working fine, I printed a benchy and a 20mm cube without apparent problems (the benchy was a little stringy). No craking sound when extruding (btw, it sounds like ice breaking, but also like the bubble wrap when the bubbles break, but more sutile)

@JayZay when you speak about calibration, what calibration you mean? I just ran the printer calibration from the menu and it succeed (both times, after mounting the 0.8 nozzle and later when I mounted back the 0.4 nozzle)

So if I mount the 0.8 nozzle again, in addition to be sure that the connectors are properly inserted, and the printer calibration succeed, what else should I try?

I just realized that bambu studio has two flow tests in the calibration tab. Should I run both? (now I see that the benchy I printed with the 0.8 nozzle looks to me like the example in the flow dinamycs a lot). If I run these, will this affect how the printer uses the 0.4 nozzle?

I will try to run these tonight if possible

glad you’re sorted. The fan connector is easy to connect wrong. It looks like it wouldn’t be, but it is.

Good luck.

I still need to try with the 0.8 nozzle again… let’s see tonight or tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Yesterday I remounted the 0.8mm nozzle again and made sure that everything was properly connected and ran the calibration, and while everything seems to have improved and the vases looks sturdy, I am still having an issue when the nozzle makes first contact with the bed. When the purge line is printed, the first portion of the line is dragged with the nozzle most of the times, and this gets mixed with the first model layer, generating a dirty starting point, as can be seen in the pictures below

Blue is Bambu Labs PLA, using its profile. Tourquoise is SmartMaterials using Generic PLA profile. Round vase is using default values, while I set outter wall thickness of 1.2mm for the squared ones

Can someone point me to what’s happening or how to proceed? This does not happen with the 0.4 nozze, but sometimes I get a round point at the tip of the line… maybe it’s the same problem but it gets minimized because of the size of the nozzle

Should I try a particular calibration or configuration? There are a lot of them and I never run anyone. Thanks!