I’ve included multiple pictures below. After owning my printer for about a month I have noticed a huge decrease in quality (not to mention an AMS issue, but I’ll save that for a different conversation).
What I’ve tried:
-Printing default .2 layer (3 top and 3 bottom layers), and many other default settings
-Changing to Gyriod infill and switching to 4 top layers - which helped, but that seems to be a bandaid fix vs root cause
-Replacing the hotend/nozzle
-Taking the extruder apart to check for loose filament
-Changing flow to .93 and .90
-Unhooked the AMS entirely and printed directly into the extruder
The issue gets worse the more surface area the print has. Things with little top layers come out fine. As you can see in the pictures, first layer looks good, but then 2nd and 3rd layer of solid infill look bad.
Perfect first layer. Issue starts on second layer
3rd layer of top infill
3rd layer of solid infill
Smaller passes seem okay (on the sides), but longer ones are terrible