Bad stringy looking first layer in PETG

New P1S, with a new spool of Bambu PETG Basic. Using default settings for the filament and 0.20mm Standard profile. Original gold color textured PEI build plate.

Material came right out of bag and into the AMS.
So far the PLA prints have looked phenomenal!

The first layer on this part is stringy and does not have the bed texture? Doesn’t look “solid”.

What should I try changing? I can definitely run some test coupons with an idea of what direction to go.

Thank you!

I would start with cleaning your textured pei plate with liquid dish soap and hot water, making sure to handle the plate only by the edges once cleaned.

I would also take the time to dry the filament. Every roll of Bambu PETG I have has been too wet out of the packaging. PETG sucks up moisture faster than PLA and can be quite problematic.

If you still have problems try bumping the bed temp up 5c for the first layer and slowing down your first layer speed. I also have better results with Bambu PETG using the generic profile as the Bambu one is too optimistic as to what the filament can actually do.


I cleaned the PEI plate with isopropyl alcohol and ran a bed calibration on the next print and it appears to be much better now.

Is placing the PETG in the AMS with desiccant adequate or do you mean that it should be baked?

Using IPA to clean the plate is good for between prints on a clean plate to get off any microplastics residue, but not good for cleaning off any oils left from touching it with your hands. In fact, the IPA can hurt by just spreading the oil around. When you are getting adhesion issues, it is time to wash the plate with dish soap and hot water.

Drying the filament means heating it up. The desiccant in the AMS just helps to maintain a low moisture environment, not actively dry what is stored in it. PETG is ideally dried between 60-70c and most home ovens don’t go that low. You can use an inexpensive filament drier ($40-60 on Amazon), a food dehydrator, or your P1S also has a filament drying cycle like the X1 does where you print a cover with holes (or just use a cardboard box top with some holes poked that fits over the filament to trap heat) where the printer uses the heated bed to dry the filament

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