I have a problem with the surface quality in a very specific place on a certain part. It looks like a classic problem with the resonances. But no matter what I do, it doesn’t get better.
What I have already tried:
Re-tensioned the belt according to Bambu Wiki (loosen screws, move head, tighten screws)
Print speed: Most tests at 60mm/s. It can’t be the speed, because I did the VFA test from Orca in the range 40-200mm/s with almost perfect results (see picture)
Flow rate adjusted 3% downwards. No change.
I printed with Bambu PETG-HF with the original settings for this filament.
Addendum: While I am writing this post, I just see that the problem SEEMS to have been resolved after I changed 2 parameters: wall generator from classic to Arachne and print order outside/inside instead of inside/outside. I could of course find out for myself through further testing whether the key was one or the other parameter. I would guess the latter. But that still wouldn’t explain why only at this exact point with a geometry that is identical to the rest (symmetrical, round contour).
What do the experts think about this?