Bad top layer but only on sections near the back left of the bed

@djnibler i sent a support ticket to see if Bambu can come up with ideas and solve my timelaps broken videos

The latest settings worked for me , for the rear corner, but in the middle of the plate complex print is not ideal especially with overhangs , too hot , so i reverted partial AUX fan (10%)for my other prints not sure if the corner is a problem as i have not tested it again . My prints usually do not use that corner

Support asked for log from the printer , and i provided one but i have done quite a few prints since and now busy with something else to start a new test print ,

If you can do one log from the printer may help ( personally i do not believe will show anything) but is is good to satisfy the support to keep on investigating. Or just export it next time you have the same problem and share it here

Or just open a new ticket and add the file and the print files and the forum link
and you can mention that is related to Ticket No: US230905543001
Curious how good is Bambu support really