
Bambu studilo list empty.

When I update presets when Bambu wanted to it errors and closes.

When reopening Studio I get to lets get started.

When I go to through step in filaments step there is no filament to choose.

I would first try logging out and then logging back in again, because it is quick and easy. But if that does not work…

I think the actual problem is that there was a problem during the update, because the default filament profiles (at least) should have been replaced. So, I think you need to uninstall Bambu Studio completely, and then reinstall the program. You will not lose any custom settings if you’ve synchronized them to the Bambu cloud, they will be restored when you log into the new installation.

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  1. It uninstalled it from my computer, did a fresh reinstall without deleting user data, and that did not help.
  2. It uninstalled it from my computer, did a fresh reinstall with deleting user data, and that did HELP.

Bambu Studio is up and running.


Interesting, to me it works fine and the new filaments are added.
Open your explorer and search for (your user name)\AppData\Roaming\BambuStudio\user
Go there where your account number is and you will find a folder called filament. Delete the hole filament folder and restart Bambu Studio. You will get a new list. I would recommend when you are logged in Bambu Studio that you unmount your printer and install you printer id new