Bambu 1.9 beta - what happened to the nozzle size change workflow/UI

What is going on with the new nozzle preset vs. memorized check in the new 2.0 beta? What used to be a single click to confirm, is now a mess of having to stop, go find Printer Parts (?), select both nozzle type and size (hardcoded by the way), then go back to Print Plate. Its a mess.

I’d recommend reverting this change before final.

bambu studio is only on version 1.9 beta. Do you mean Orca Slicer?

yes - i meant 1.9 beta of Bambu. sorry.

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I am talking about this change in 1.9 which is now a hard stop error

vs. the previous warning that allowed you to confirmm update the setting and continue (this is ok)
1.8 nozzle warning

Have not ran into that situation, but yes agreed should revert that change for sure.

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