I know Bambu states that ABS-GF is not compatible with the AMS Lite but interested to learn more. What is the main reason for it’s incompatibility? Is it due to the roughness of the filament and possible problems with the feeding mechanism? Has anyone tried using ABS-GF in the Lite? What problems did you see?
Not sure, but I am guessing it is too abrasive for the plastic extruder gears and will wear them down over time.
We run ABS-GF in our AMS, put easily 30-odd spools of it through the AMS and no issues so far. We even put PAHT-CF, PA6-CF and PLA-CF through our AMS it to date never had a problem.
He was asking about the AMS LITE. It says on Bambu’s website that the ABS-GF is not compatible with the AMS Lite system, which is most likely due to plastic gears that will be worn down by it. The regular AMS has gears capable of withstanding abrasive filaments.