Bambu Filament in EU Store most "not available". Why?

EU Store: 90 % of the Filaments are sold out. Want Bambu not make Filament Business? One must go to third party.
90 % Filament nicht bestellbar. Man muss bei anderen Anbietern bestellen. Gibt es einen Grund?

It’s still a backlog from Black Friday and Christmas sale it seems. You can find the same questions in the forum from last year :wink:
This should be solve soon as yes, they for sure want to make filament business.

Bambu EU Store: Still 90 % of Filament are “sold out”…User have to buy third party material, bambu is not interested in Business, I think.


It’s still the case. I just don’t get it. I was never able to buy white or black TPU HF, for example, but I could mention many other filament types and printer accessories, too. Previous month I had to order the interface board to a friend of mine who lives in the UK, and was just about to travel to my city in a week.
I just don’t understand how these supply problems cannot be resolved in months.

I’ll bet you 10$ that bambu would like to know as well. Sunlu has also been sold out for a while now.

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That’s disappointing (from our perspective).