Bambu Firmware Bug Reporting Thread

Problem: Bed crashes into nozzle with extreme force at beginning of calibration

Since this is not reported by other users this sounds more like an hardware issue with the z-endstop.

Do you have a P1P? Try it out, it’s fun.

I’m guessing it’s just a simple issue in the beginning of the calibration g-code. The home leaves the bed just below the nozzle and the bed is told to run up at the beginning of the calibration.

There is no z-endstop.

It’s certainly a disadvantage of the piezo sensors that they cannot be active all of the time waiting to detect a head crash, but it also sounds like the printer’s software endstops are not being respected.

Do you have a P1P? Try it out, it’s fun.

It might be an issue with macros being able to move past endstops, I have reported this above

There is no z-endstop.

There is an z-endstop and in this printer it’s implemented with piezos.

I don’t think you, and many other people here, understand the point of a bug-reporting thread. It’s not intended for community opinions and conversation, it’s to report bugs in a clear and concise manner so the devs can see them easily. I wasn’t asking for anyone’s help or opinions.



My entire print farm is down! I have 3 P1P’s and they all automatically received the new firmware on 1/15/23 now all of them no longer heat the bed with anything sent from Bambu Studio OR the SD card!

I tried to factory reset one printer to see if it would revert but the new “Bluetooth QR Scan feature” it now just shows a blank screen and now I can’t even connect to it anymore! What’s going on? How fast can this get fixed, I need to get these printers working ASAP or I’m Screwed!

EDIT: I was able to borrow a friend’s android phone and make the pairing from the unbound printer, however currently this is not possible on my iphone.

Problem: Ability to move any axes without prior homing
Firmware Version:
Printer: Bambu Lab X1-Crabon
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Turn off printer power and turn back on
  2. Go to Controls > Temperature/Axis page
  3. Press any button to move print head or bed
  4. Bed/Print head moves, followed by a pop-up warning stating “Before any movement, please home all axes…”
  5. Press “Close”, repeat step 3, axis will move again

Other information:
I have only chosen axes movements that won’t result in an intentional crash but I believe this could lead to crashing if you aren’t careful. The prompt should pop-up without any movement happening.

Thanks for the feedback. The reason for a prompt without affection on movement is some user does want to move axes before homing. We will stay tuned to the feedback of this feature.

Did the issue has been fixed? Please create a ticket and provide more information for this issue.

I submitted a ticket over a week ago (Ticket No: US230115383001) and they said they would look at the logs and get back to me, but I haven’t heard anything back and both my printers have been down all this time.

  1. Here is a guide P1P WIFI/BT/LIVEVIEW troubleshooting | Bambu Lab Wiki, could you please check if it is helpful on your issue? And feedback on ticket if there is any progress.
  2. I will ask help on the progress on the ticket.

Installed the latest firmware, reinstalled the app on my iPhone, started printing and look at the printed layer: 165/143 . . .

Seems not possible to send a file via Bambu Studio to SD Card, get: Failed uploading print file. Same issue is reported from others as well…

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Send to SD card working well here

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Hi @mr1952 thanks for your feedback… Since 5 min. its working for me again as well… Tried several things, different Cards, PCs, during print, after the print… Finally I logged off and in on the printer and it worked out well

While the head has not been homed shouldn’t manual movement be restricted to homing speeds with reduced motor current and monitor the bed sensors and motor stalling?

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Problem : upper Magnets on hotend front cover detaching
Firmware Version :
Printer : Bambu Lab X1-Carbon
Steps to reproduce :

Printing for approx. 2h with generic ABS setting on standard speed.
Spaghetti warning showed due to front cover lying on the print bed.
The cover knocked the support towers over.
Closer investigation showed that the two upper magnets had detached fron the front cover and were stuck to the back cover.

Printer is practically new, arrived two days ago.

I secured the magnets again with epoxy glue, hoping they will hold this time.

Problem: Bed hits bottom of printer and Z-belt skips when starting print with the bed low
Firmware Version:
Printer: Bambu Lab P1P
Steps to reproduce:

- Finish previous print with the bed rather low (~1cm from bottom)
- Don't move any axes or turn off printer, start new print after clearing the bed
- Bed starts moving down, and doesn't stop before hitting the bottom of the print-area
- Multiple skips on the belt were heard

Log file: N/A (sorry)
Other information:
Works fine afterwards but it sounded scary.

Problem: WIFI setup fails based on SSID naming
Firmware Version:
Printer: Bambu Lab X1 Carbon
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have two WIFI SSIDs active with one SSID being substring of the other in your home network (e.g. “ASUS” and “ASUS_5G”)
  2. Try to connect to “ASUS” SSID by network setup (enter passphrase)
  3. WIFI setup fails with error message
  4. Rename SSID to not be substring of other SSID (“ASUS” to “ASUS_2G”)
  5. Try to connect to “ASUS_2G” SSID by network setup (enter passphrase)
  6. WIFI setup successful

Had the same issue today after calibrating my new P1P. At first I thought is was normal, it even happened a second time after calibrating again. But after homing once the hot end, calibration went normal from that point forward.

Hope this has not damaged the printer in any way …