Bambu Lab is now available in Japan!

We’re excited to announce that Bambu Lab is now available in Japan!

Starting today, customers in Japan can purchase our products online through our web store

We’re thrilled to bring our products and services to Japan to meet the demands of Japanese customers. To stay up-to-date on news and promotions, be sure to follow our Japan sub social media handle @BambulabJapan for the latest updates.

Thank you for joining the Bambu Lab family! Let’s enjoy 3D printing together!


Welcome to all our Japanese friends!

日本の友人の皆さん、ようこそ! (<—Google Translate, hopefully correctly.)

This is very cool. One of my life goals is to work in Japan. My company sometimes has over seas work that lasts 6-36 months. So, woot, I’ll be able to get my BL fix when I’m there.
