Bambu Lab PA6-CF trouble


i try to print PA6-CF, but it fails in most tests on first layer, sometimes i come to 10 layer (after the object learn to fly in the printer).

Before i start print i dry the filament with my sunlu filament dryer oder 10 hours.
the filament is not in a AMS.
I print with standard Bambu Lab PA6-CF Profile on 0.4mm nozzle

The first 2-3 Lines are good, after it not hold on the bed.
I tried with preheat the case (46°C)
I tried with gluespray and glue stick.

nothing worked.

Any Ideas?


Are you saying you are using the 0.2mm nozzle? If so, that is not compatible with any CF filled filament due to issues with clogging.

For the adhesion issues, have you thoroughly cleaned and washed your bed with dish soap? If not, please give that a shot.

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0,4mm nozzle, 0,2mm layerheight.

Yes i tested cleaned bed with dish soap (saw in a short in youtube). Not solved the problem. Also not with tec bed (not textured)

Okay, new day, new test.

Now i red the recommend printspeeds and more in the filament shop side and reduce the speed to slow for a test. at the moment at looks good.

while testing i add a new speed profile with 100mm/s max.

I upload photos, if i have trouble or the print is finished complete.

Use the engineering plate !!!
The PEI plate is not recommend for PA6-CF…



Ok last Test works well, except Problems like this: PA-CF filament not working

Now i changed some Settings and test again with PEI Plate.

Next Update in ~2 hours.

With Engeenering Plate the Prints work. With PEI not (at the moment in testing)

10 hours Print succesful-

Blobs i removed with reduced Temp.

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