I need to make a piece with high temperature resistance on X1C.
Got a Bambu Lab PC filament.
2nd time now, about 30% in the print, the filament seems to stop extruding and the print head just moves in the air. Reminds me of a dog simulating something, but he is all alone.
I am using the BL defaults for this filament.
The chamber is heated to 60 Celsius stable before starting and during print.
Everything I read about this issue is about hotends getting clogged, but after I stop the failed print, I can load and unload the filament just fine and it extrudes just fine also.
Any clue as to why this is happening and maybe a fix?
I don’t have any experience with Bambu PC, I use other brands but my extrusion temps range between 245 and 280 depending on project. So I don’t see anything wrong with your settings.
The one question that I have though is this: Are you operating this through an AMS and if so, have you tried to feed the spool independently? I ask because your symptoms could be explained as filament feed being snagged. Also, checking the PTFE tubes for wear can also be a remedy. If nothing else works, try forcing direct feed of filament using the control panel to ensure that your nozzle is clog free. Finally, make sure your parts fan is off, this will eliminate premature cooling in the Hotend as a possible culprit.
I am using the AMS. I even switched slots to rule it out, to no avail.
PTFE tubes are in good condition.
The nozzle is clog free because when I unload/load/unload I can see filament dropping in the chute. Will try to manually feed it next time.
Also, the first 20-23% of the model is printed just fine, so the issue starts somewhere during the print.
Until now, 3 prints failed exactly like this.
Will try to print the same model with ABS to rule out a problem with the model itself. No clue if this is possible, but being a total greenhorn, I need to learn somehow.
If it prints in ABS, will try to turn off the part cooling next.
This helps in ruling out the AMS slot, but still leaves the lengthy PTFE path as a contributor. You can significantly reduce the potential friction by printing from the rear spool holder.
This is what led me to speculate about heat creep. I can not get my X1 all the way up to a 60°C chamber temp but have experienced similar issues when first experimenting with PC.
And this is why I am unsure about heat creep. In the cases where I did have heat creep, that led to a clog. But again, I am rarely printing PC so that may be a particular curiosity. Of course, during unloading, the nozzle would have had a chance to cool and the PC to shrink a little bit.
Always a good approach to rule individual factors out. But it is unlikely that a particular geometry leads to this kind of extrusion error. Do you have a picture of the failed print? In particular the failure?
And just on the off chance: Do you use ironing on the model?
It sounds like you’ve exhausted most of the common troubleshooting steps. If you like and would care to do so, upload the 3MF file here and note where the defect occurs. Does it occur at the same location? I would be happy to see if I can view some sort of artifact in the model in my slicer.
Also, while I think about it. Does this happen at the exact same layer and spot? I ask because that then calls into question as to whether this is a file corruption issue. If that is the case, sometime the Micro SD card get corrupted. A reformat of the card generally clears it up but if that turns out to be the issue, you’ll want to replace the card with a high endurance micro sd card. The ones that ship with the printer are poor quality and the nature of the Bambu architecture tends to chew up regular SD cards which is why I generally use the high endurance cards.
Worth mentioning that I have tried increasing the nozzle temperature without disabling the part cooling fan before without success.
The print is pristine now, but…at 81% I got a false spaghetti detection error and because this is the 1st time I am seeing the error, I just stopped the print from the machine, without realising I could have continued.
Weird thing is this X1C is in LAN mode, timelapse is disabled, it is not recording and it’s internet is blocked. I was under the impression that this spaghetti detection was a remote/cloud thing. On the other hand, I had Bambu Studio left open with the video stream playing. Maybe the detection is done through Studio? No clue.
I have now disabled the detection of italian food and hopefully will finish this one 128g piece before I run out of this PC filament.
I read about the SD card problem before opening this topic and I’ve formatted it, to no avail. This is what I am using:
Quick update.
Had to print some more parts in PC and discovered that turning off the fan only worked for my 1st model.
Wasted some more time “tunning” (blindly tweaking stuff) only to discover that besides turning the fan off, I also have to lower the nozzle temperature down to 260 Celsius.
So, in my case, with Bambu Lab PC filament and X1C printer, with the chamber at 60 Celsius I need to have these settings to print without issues like heat creep: