Bambu Lab PETG-CF Titan Gray

Does anyone have a picture of something they’ve printed with this filament? It looks very similar to the color of the P1S enclosure but of course it’s hard to tell until it’s been printed. It’s also been sold out for weeks so I haven’t been able to get my hands on any.

I’m attempting to print Titan Gray at the moment. It’s taking quite a lot of tweaking and effort, and right now it’s warping at the end of the print… But here’s a picture of some failed parts on a P1S!

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Dang… It’s too light. Thanks for sharing! Sorry you’re having so much trouble with it. Did you dry the filament first?

Yep, fully dried and even printed from the hot box! The warping I think is due to the cold ambient temperature. Going to need to leave the printer closed up and let it slowly cool down, maybe dropping the bed temp manually bit by bit.

After seeing some posts, I’ve switched from the 0.4 hardened to 0.6 hardened. Did a quick test benchy with all standard settings and it came out fine. I think the 0.4 profile needs quite a lot of work… My tweaked 0.4 profile printed a cleaner benchy than the 0.6 stock, but I’d expect that with some effort + smaller nozzle. I’m printing my parts now with the 0.6, watch this space!