Bambu Lab PETG HS bad surface

Do you have a good profile for the Bambu PETG HF?

The default profile causes this problem on the side surfaces

There are also a lot of strings

How have you dried this filament before printing?


Bambu PETG HF, using standard Bambu PETG HF profile. Dried of course.

Has a nice surface IMHO

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I did not. I’m just drying it now because I did not read the advice on the product page, my fault.

The issue was with the side surfaces (vertical and oblique), not the horizontal.

What do you use to dry the filament?
I have both Sunlu S1 and S2.

Is drying required before each print or only if I keep the filament out of the AMS?

When it is exposed to higher humidity it may need to be dried again.

I dry in a food dehydrator. Mine was dried for over 24 hours. It was dried up on opening a couple weeks ago. Stored in either desiccant filed AMS or desiccant filed sealed storage.

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A lot better after 7 hours in the SUNLU Dryer S2 at 70°

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There is a good thread here on filament storage. Some use poly bags. Some use poly cereal boxes (what works best for me). The poly boxes will hold a spool at a certain dryness level for a long time. People have designed cradles for the spools that have holders for hygrometers and desiccant over in Maker World. They work great.

But for use in these printers, filament needs to be dried to get best results - especially hygroscopic filaments like PETG.

You can also use the poly boxes to test the water level in a spool of filament. Just put the spool in a poly box with a hygrometer and let it sit until the humidity stops changing (an hour or two generally). If the humidity in the sealed box raises to some “high” level, the filament is wet. If the humidity drops to some low level, the filament is some level of dry.

Don’t have any data yet to know at what humidity you will begin to see problems, but it’s easy to see where a particular spool is water-wise and go from there. Testing humidity before and after drying will also give an idea how well a drying technique is working.

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