Bambu Lab should use YouTube to promote from within only

I have just watched the latest BL YouTube short of a Block 26 model by BoBo Innovation.

It looks great. But why promote a model not available for download on MakerWorld?

Couldn’t you find something from the massive list of superb models available on the system you built and you want us populating to help promote your printers sales?

Not promoting models from the talented pool of designers readily available to you is a massive insult.

I have nothing against designers going behind a paywall, all power to them. This is about BL ignoring home grown talent.

Promote from within or don’t bother promoting.

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Bambu printers work without Makerworld. That’s probably important to advertise too, especially when you’re seen by the internet as “the closed source guys”.

Obviously they do.

If their video had used that messaging in the video, then it would have made some sense, but, it didn’t.

It simply showed a model with no links to obtain it, further distancing itself from your guess of their motives.

I believe there is greater value in promoting from within. It doesn’t tell prospective purchasers you can only print from a BL source it tells people you can print cool things.

It has the extra benefit of telling designers that their contributions are valued and they could be featured at some point.

Promoting from within takes away nothing and gives something back.

@bambulab a youtube short if im not mistaken

It’s a different world now, unfortunately. Brand loyalty and customer loyalty died a long time ago. Now it seems everyone lives and dies by maximum profits - the cold heartless mantra driven by where the maximum pain point hits highest profits.

They may have reasons for what they do but I doubt we’re much of a consideration.

Bambu lab promotes bambu lab (wiki) , makerworld / b,handy promote users ,prints and profiles, studio slices and co ordinates wth the bambus cloud thats pretty much brand to customer loyalty , without whom they have no money/profits , but without a bambu printer you still have access to most of it , especially makerworld

I thought it a little odd that they advertised the block 26 as such. Although, it’s 3d printing, a popular-ish model, and all that, so I wouldn’t say it’s out of line. But it is a paid model from a competing service, so. I imagine if Makerworld supported paid models though, it’d probably be on here too.

I’d argue it’s not the best though. I purchased the block 26 based on that video, and I kind of regret it. It’s not a bad model, but I have my annoyances with the whole thing. The closest annoyance as it relates to Bambu is there was no Bambu Studio file or anything like that provided. The instructions overall were awful. It felt out of character for what Bambu is, what they strive for. (I don’t expect everyone outside of makerworld to include files setup for the slicer, but it is extremely nice. Other projects I’ve purchased at least include pre-laid out plates for prusa slicer, which I can open in bambu or whatever. Having some level of setup is nice for a paid model with a number of parts).

They should have advertised the tec 9. It’s a much easier to print model, and a cleaner model overall. It’s also on Makerworld, is free, and has a print profile for easy printing.

TEC-9 Disc Shooter飞盘发射器 by 脑洞造物秦一鸣 QYM 3D - MakerWorld

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I do really like their YouTube shorts, this is why this one annoyed me.

I want a decent and obvious link to the makerworld designer in each one.

I expect to see a certain designer’s card sorter in an upcoming one as it will make a superb video to showcase BL printers.

I like them too! Need to find some other youtubers to follow that do short build videos like that too. The ones I’ve stumbled across so far haven’t been that exciting to me. It is another good way to discover new and interesting models though.

:sweat_smile: That’d make me giddy, but I’m also very anxious at the prospect.

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How short, I could do some of coasters.

Maybe, half a second?

I could see it. The video opens up with you getting a coffee table. A bunch of people standing around to admire it, holding frosty glasses full of liquids. The terror sets in, as the condensation drips from the glasses. A fury of 3d printing, and you chucking them across the room like ninja stars under each glass as it’s about to be sat on the coffee table. Coupled with some epic ninja warrior music


Model File: BLOCK 26
Model by: BoBo Innovation
Model from MakerWorld *3D Printed toys *Adult supervision recommended #3DPrinting #BambuLab

I am not sure if your response is for this comment I made.

If so, I knew all that, I had to get some of it from the description.

My point however, was that it should be in the video with a decent banner and ideally the avatar.

after searching both sites i found it doesnt exist, there is a model on .cn, but under a different name, on .en you have the name but no model unless its marked as private

If it existed on Makerworld, it wasn’t legit. Here’s a video from the creator of the model. I’m guessing he has had some issues with people posting his files elsewhere without his permission.

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You realise this was the whole point of my post, right?