Bambu Lab Store Gift Cards?

Just a random thought as I was messaging back some of the boosters on the account. I noticed were almost at 1,000 downloads! [Don’t shame me for only having 1k] so I thought about giving away some gift cards to the 1,000th downloader.

Just noticed we can’t purchase gift cards lol and I definitely don’t have enough points to just redeem and give one out. Would anyone else benefit from having the ability to purchase a BL Store giftcard? Honestly I’m hoping with their new printer release they redo some of the rewards and add in other increments like a $5, $10, and a $15 gift card.

How would you determine who the 1.000th is?

LOL… wait for the 999th, then definitely the next one will be the 1000th …:grin:

As already pointed out by @xsynatic, you have an important problem.

BL rightly do not share the identity of anyone who doesn’t decide for themselves using comments, ratings or boosts.

While a generous idea, you can’t identify the user to provide such a reward.

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I was thinking just posting it within my models and I mean i’d see who would respond the moment I reached the point? lol I wasn’t so sure after posting this but then again I’m not receiving hundreds of downloads a day so it would probably be easy to see who would be the one

The next issue would be location, your giftcards are not global.

Ahh that’s another factor… well darn. Guess I’ll just not reward anyone lol. Wish the creators could incentivize our audience/followers via MW. I’d like to think it could be added sometime later on.

I’m just happy the new printer entered testing phase

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How quickly that went from “I want to do something really nice to say thanks” to “damn it, every sensible option I can think of has o e or more reasons it can’t be done.”

I recommend you notice when it ticks over and have a drink in honour of the unknown user from an unknown country that will never know they lost a gift card opportunity!

Of course there is one more fly in the ointment. Given not all downloads are counted even when logged in, in reality, your milestone may have come and gone already and you would have rewarded someone lucky enough to have been counted.

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Just make them a trophy :slight_smile:

And make them print it themselves with their own filament.


Instantly thought of just releasing a trophy but the nameplate says “Awarded to the 1,000th downloader - Congrats it’s you!”

and then charge them for that

How about a raffle? It may not be as direct as rewarding the 1000th shopper, but it could be a way to show appreciation to those that follow your work and print your stuff. If all you had was a US gift card, then you could limit it to American audiences.


Depending on the country, gambling laws may come into play.

In many countries, including the United States, personal lotteries are prohibited. Only the government, not individuals or private companies, is legally allowed to run lotteries.

Defence in court…

I only wanted to say thanks!