Bambu Lab Textrued PEI Plate Cleaning Guide

Periodically, we recommend cleaning the Textured Plate to ensure that the printing surface is clean of debris or fingerprints.

The natural oils from your hands can transfer to the printing surface, impacting the sheet’s adhesion properties.

In the image below, you can see an example of different fingerprints on the plate which are not easily seen normally, but can be easily seen during the first layer. These marks will interfere with the first layer adhesion and can cause print failures.

Cleaning the plate regularly by following the guidance in the Bambu Lab Textrued PEI Plate Cleaning Guide will help you get the best adhesion during printing.


I learned this one early on! Any time a print fails, the first thing I do is give my build plate a thorough cleaning!

Dish soap and warm water have worked great for me. Once that didn’t quite cut it and I used a Magic Eraser (Melamine Sponge) on it also. That build plate was like new!

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Great - now imagine you would have included those instructions from day one…
Too little way too late LOL
The users worked this out a very long time ago - how about giving those who made those recommendations early on some credit for it ?

The cleaning instructions have been available on the wiki since the plates have been launched.
Cleaning recommendations are also available on the product listing in the store, under the Considerations section.

We also recommend checking the following guides:

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